P-04-601 Proposed Ban on the Use of E-Cigarettes in Public Places 

Petition wording

We call upon the Welsh Government not to proceed with their proposed ban on the use of e-cigarettes in enclosed public spaces, substantially enclosed public places, and places of work in Wales. This proposal, if implemented, can only lead to fewer people using e-cigarettes and more people smoking cigarettes.

Additional Information:

Already 100,000 people in Wales are using e-cigarettes. These people are smoking fewer or no cigarettes; this should be a cause for celebration, not concern. A recent BBC poll found that 62% of the public opposed a ban on the use of e-cigarettes in public. In Spain where a ban on the use of e-cigarettes in public was introduced, there was a 70% decline in the use of e-cigarettes and a rise in the rate of smoking. We fear the same will happen in Wales if the Welsh Government implements their proposed ban. With a ban on the advertising and promotion of e-cigarettes soon to be introduced, following the passing of the Tobacco Products Directive, where are smokers to find out about e-cigarettes, particularly if they are banned in public places? Smokers need to see people using e-cigarettes in public, they need to be able to go up and speak to e-cigarette users so that they can find out further information and then hopefully make the switch to a safer alternative.

Petitioner :  Simon Thurlow 

First considered by the Committee: 7 October 2014

Number of Signatures:  1,196 electronic signatures